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We all deserve the Good things of Life - family, friends, connection to the community, a sense of belonging, opportunities to learn and develop, meaningful work, a place to call home, personal and financial security and the chance to follow dreams and passions.
Developing the relationships at the centre of that can require more intentional planning for people with disability, than it does for others.
Join this Peer Network to explore strategies that enable people with disability to enjoy abundant opportunities for the relationships that make life good.
Explore how to discover and foster acquaintanceships and friendships so that people with disability are naturally included in their local community.
Wednesday Evenings 7-8pm, via Zoom.
Sarah Harvey has been associated with Family Advocacy for about 10 years.
Her family’s vision for their sons includes them enjoying a satisfying social life with strong relationships in their local community.
Sarah will share the skills she has developed in spotting friendship opportunities and supporting her sons to develop good relationships.
A Peer is someone with similar experience to you. A Peer Network is a connected group of peers.
It’s a group where you can:
A peer network is not a seminar. It’s a group that works when everyone contributes.
The facilitator is there to help the group stay on track, not to provide all the answers.
If you or a person with disability in your family is keen to live the Good Life, join this group, with other families who share this goal, to plan for it strategically.