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Customised Employment Resources

Customised Employment tailors a job or self-employment (including microenterprise) to fit the interests, contributions and conditions for success of a person, while also meeting the needs of a business or the market for a product or service. Customised Employment starts by thinking about the person, NOT the job. It is a negotiated relationship that starts with the skills of the person with disability and looks to meet a specific area of benefit to employers – meaning it is mutually beneficial for a business and a Job Seeker.

Customised Employment provides a set of strategies and principles used to support people with disability, especially those with significant disability, into real, meaningful work. It has been used with people with developmental disability, who often face low expectations about their capabilities, but the principles and strategies can be applied to any person.

Customised Employment starts with the strong fundamental principle that everyone can work in typical, paid employment; however, people with complex disabilities are often disadvantaged by traditional job-seeking practices. So this approach looks at the contributions of the person, rather than how they compare to others.

There are three stages of the Customised Employment Process: (1) – Discovery; (2) Job Development; and (3) Job Site Supports.